Complete list of Treatment Plans
The following is a list of 150 of the 576 Treatment Plans that Worked in our current database. When you purchase access to the database, you will receive all 576 of these files in “zip” format so that they will download faster. Your operating system should automatically “unzip” these files after you download them. While you can certainly share individual plans with your professional advisors and others who are helping your child, you should not share your password for database access with others (that will void your subscription).
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Aggression 10i42 intimidation, verbal aggression, cursing, taking aggression out on objects, invading others personal space
Aggression 11i314 hitting, kicking, pinching, biting, pushing peers and adults, throwing of or destroying property, verbal disparaging, verbal defiance
Aggression 1i8 aggression towards others
Aggression 1s38 oppositional and defiant responses to adult directions and refusal to complete tasks, refusal or defiant responses to adult prompts or directions, refusal to complete tasks, walks away from adults
Aggression 2i44 physically confrontational, verbally abusive or abusively interrupts conversations or class
Aggression 2s40 oppositional and defiant behavior, hitting, kicking, swatting, pushing, pinching, spitting, or verbal disparaging when prompted to begin or complete tasks
Aggression 3i46 throwing things, hitting, biting, pulling hair, kicking doors
Aggression 3s40 pushing, shoving, sticking fingers in faces, threatening peers with hitting
Aggression 4i48 hitting, kicking, throwing objects
Aggression 4s50 striking peers with hands, feet, or throwing objects a others
Aggression 5i57 physical outbursts, any failure to express emotions or needs without aggression
Aggression 5s67 yelling, screaming, crying, clenching fists and stiffening body, difficulty transitioning, whining
Aggression 6i62 throwing objects, pushing, yelling, grinding teeth, excessive body tension, attacking others
Aggression 6s67 yelling, screaming, crying, clenching fists, and stiffening body, difficulty transitioning, whining
Aggression 7i79 destroying property, assaulting others, throwing or kicking objects, crying & screaming
Aggression 7s306 hitting kicking, swatting, pushing, pinching, spitting, or verbal disparaging when prompted to begin or complete tasks
Aggression 8i82 pulling hair out, excessively rubbing belly button, hitting others, any physical aggression
Aggression 9i82 assaultive to others, takes others’ belongings, strikes self forcefully
Communication 10i28 immature anger management skills, angry outbursts and dependency on rudimentary responses in conversation when angry
Communication 10s30 derogatory, abusive, rude, slanderous comments directed to adults or peers, including name calling or cruel teasing
Communication 11i29 avoiding eye contact, not turning head when name is called, ignoring adults and peers, standing too close or too far away during social interaction, limited attention span
Communication 11s47 lack of expressive and receptive communication skills, ignoring social cues, immature language skills, refusing adult assistance
Communication 12i51 oppositional responses, grunting, growling, stomping, running away or ignoring to avoid assignment or task completion
Communication 12s52 yelling, screaming, crying, clenching fists, and stiffening body, difficulty transitioning, whining instead of communicating frustrations
Communication 13i53 not using words, humming, not answering question or to his name, lack of eye contact, talks loudly
Communication 13s53 not using words, humming, not answering questions or to name, lack of eye contact, talks loudly
Communication 14i58 inadequate frustration tolerance and emotional coping skills resulting in crying when faced with frustrating task or unpleasant sensory experience such as uneven carpet, uncomfortable coat
Communication 14s56 humming, refusal to use words, refusal to answer question, does not make eye contact, does not respond to name or talks loudly
Communication 15i59 inability to communicate thoughts and feelings successfully, does not use complete sentences, does not respond to others, speaks in a negative tone, cries, screams at others, hits
Communication 15s58 crying when faced with frustrating task or unpleasant sensory experience, refusal to fix problems on his own, whines, cries, falls to the ground
Communication 16i67 self-isolation, playing with younger children, avoiding peer play, does not engage in conversation, engage in unsafe or inappropriate activities
Communication 16s60 lack of receptive and expressive communication skills, inability to express wants and needs without prompting, responding to questions with scripted answers
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Communication 17i63 impatient, throws objects, stomps feet, bangs head on the wall, explosive, repeating herself, yelling, cursing
Communication 17s65 not using words, humming, not answering questions or to their name, lack of eye contact, talks loudly
Communication 18i64 refusal to make eye contact without prompting, making up words to emphasis point, negative self-talk and verbal disparaging
Communication 18s66 crying when faced with frustrating task or unpleasant sensory experience, refusal to fix problems on own, whines, cries, falls to the ground
Communication 19i65 obsessive and compulsive behaviors, frustration from redirection, writing numbers, picking fingers, and any other behavior deemed compulsive
Communication 19s80 displays of anger, pouting, refusal to be redirected, defiant responses
Communication 1i1 striking self in the head, slamming hand on surfaces, biting hand Communication 1s3 inability to maintain attention
Communication 20i68 frustration from redirection, writing numbers, picking fingers, and any other behavior deemed compulsive
Communication 20s80 poor frustrations tolerance resulting in anger, displays of anger, pouting, refusal to be redirected, defiant responses
Communication 21i72 unable to communicate his wants and needs, physically aggressive with adults
Communication 21s88 lack of receptive and expressive communication skills, inability to express wants and needs without prompting, responding to questions with scripted answers, difficulty with delays in gratification
Communication 22i78 grabbing desired objects, lack on interaction with others, does not initiate play, poor eye contact
Communication 22s90 unable to communicate his wants and needs, physically aggressive with adults
Communication 23i82 yelling, cursing, talking back, threatening to harm self or others, communicating inappropriately with others
Communication 24i89 ignoring social cues, immature language skills, refusing adult assistance
Communication 25i300 inadequate social behavior repertoire, provoking brother and other members of foster care family, improper initiation of peer interaction, mouthing on clothing and other inedible objects around peers
Communication 26i303 poor frustration tolerance and immature emotional coping skills especially excessive interrupting, crying and loud yelling
Communication 27i306 screaming, yelling, rudeness in responses, refusal to listen, refusal to speak up, refusal to make eye contact
Communication 28i309 noncompliance with redirection prompts without vigorous protest, refusal to complete assigned tasks without excessive complaining
Communication 29i309 crying spells, yelling, screaming Communication 2i2 banging head, closing eyes, hitting finger or fist on table
Communication 2s5 avoidance of eye contact, distraction by peer talking nearby, reluctance to seek adult help when necessary
Communication 30i311 angry outbursts of yelling, threatening, throwing objects
Communication 31i312 echolalia, inability to express needs that will enable her to maintain her safety, increasing use of saying yes and no, words describing feelings, and words to get needs met
Communication 3i7 poor speech development Communication 3s5 inability to identify body parts when injured due to ignorance of body part names, inability to report abusive behavior of peers to adults
Communication 4i14 crying, yelling, threatening or aggression, especially related to intolerance for delayed gratification, redirection or limit-setting
Communication 4s21 ignores others when adults give redirective prompts, when an adult or peer says no, or unexpected changes in his routine occur
Communication 5i15 inadequate understanding of letters, numbers and concepts resulting in inappropriate communication skills for age
Communication 5s22 excessive anger and emotional outbursts when an age appropriate expectation is placed on him, throws himself on the floor, kicks, hits self, screams and cries
Communication 6i16 aggressive and tantrum behavior in response to limit setting and redirection
Communication 6s22 refuses to verbalize what he wants, grunting, pointing or pulling others to objects of desire
Communication 7i12 poor anger management skills resulting in aggression
Communication 7s26 unresponsive to his name, requests, commands or does not attempt to communicate thoughts or desires
Communication 8i18 inappropriate use of words and responses
Communication 8s30 low tolerance for frustration and poor problem solving skills, hitting, pushing, kicking, yelling, screaming, refusal to calmly work out issues, destruction of property
Communication 9i25 immature anger management skills, angry outbursts when experiencing painful emotions such as fear, hurt, sadness anxiety
Communication 9s30 defers accountability and responsibility for his actions onto others, low tolerance for frustration and poor problem solving skills, hitting, pushing, kicking, yelling, screaming
Noncompliance 10i48 refusal to be redirected, ignoring adult, procrastinating, hiding in bathroom, pretending to sleep
Noncompliance 10s63 immature participation with daily living skills, obsession with errors, fighting to get dressed, refusal to take medications, lack of focus on school work, pulling at clothes and hair
Noncompliance 11i51 refusal to complete tasks without constant verbal prompting, anger outbursts, high level of frustration that results in hand biting, stomping, and growling
Noncompliance 11s66 inability to play independently and play with others while engaged in another task, inability to share with peers, refusal to clean up, poor problem solving skills
Noncompliance 12i52 low frustration tolerance & immature behavior resulting in yelling, screaming, crying, clenching fists and stiffening body, difficulty transitioning, whining
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Noncompliance 12s82 oppositional and defiant behavior, ignoring adult directives, prompts, and limits, walking away from adults, avoiding tasks, delayed compliance
Noncompliance 13i60 lack of receptive and expressive communication skills, inability to express wants and needs without prompting, responding to questions with scripted answers
Noncompliance 13s84 talks back, refuses to accept directives and limits
Noncompliance 14i64 inability to focus without multiple prompts, poor attention to assigned tasks, multiple prompting to stay on assigned tasks, loses contact in the moment and train of thought
Noncompliance 14s300 reduce the amount of time it takes to complete activities of daily living when prompted by foster parents
Noncompliance 15i68 quitting tasks, dismissing prompts, attempts to escape, defiant responses
Noncompliance 16i89 refusing to engage in non-preferred activities, exhibiting aggression when asked to transition between preferred and non preferred activities
Noncompliance 17i42 noncompliance with assigned tasks and limit setting, disrespectful towards authority, walking away, task avoidance, requires excessive prompting and redirections
Noncompliance 18i314 screaming, crying excessively, refusal to take responsibility or consequences for harming others or property, refuses to complete specific activities
Noncompliance 1i4 aggressive and destructive interactions with peers and family, loss of impulse control, failure to complete assigned tasks, excessive complaining, refusing to speak
Noncompliance 1s2 inattentiveness to assigned tasks, refusal to dress, refusal to complete age appropriate household tasks, failure to use creativity in problem solving
Noncompliance 2i4 pouting, failure to complete tasks, refusal to communicate, intimidating and dominating peers
Noncompliance 2s3intolerance for age appropriate performance expectations, lack of eye contact, in ability to complete school assignments, not following classroom schedule
Noncompliance 3i8 calling out in class, disrupting others’ work, leaving the classroom inappropriately, refusing to begin or complete assigned tasks Noncompliance 3s25 defiant to adults, noncompliance with prompts, mouths inedibles
Noncompliance 4i9 refusal to initiate or complete assigned tasks intended to improve reading and math skills, refusal to comply with instructions regarding toileting
Noncompliance 4s28 unable to complete 4 sequential steps of a task, unable to describe to others the steps involved before, during, and after completing the task
Noncompliance 5i56 cursing, threatening, aggressive refusal to comply, crying, yelling
Noncompliance 5s30 refusal to comply with adult requests, responds to adult requests by stomping away, destroying property or screaming
Noncompliance 6i24 disruptive behavior when attention lost during task completion
Noncompliance 6s34 screaming, stiffening his body, crying, yelling, acting silly
Noncompliance 7i29 displays of aggression or opposition, tantrums, ignoring directive prompts when requests are denied, and adult says no or unexpected change occur in routine
Noncompliance 7s55 impulsive and ignoring behavior, oppositional behavior, ignores directive prompts, ignores adult saying no, agitated when unexpected changes to routine occur, aggression
Noncompliance 8i44 demonstrates emotional outbursts in response to redirection or limit setting. refuses to comply with requests and defies redirection
Noncompliance 8s59 does not follow adult directives and limit setting, uses profanity and abusive language when speaking with potential sources of adult support
Noncompliance 9i46 noncompliance with age appropriate task assignments, avoiding assigned tasks, engaging in off task behaviors or conversations to avoid tasks, gives excuses
Noncompliance 9s61 refusing to engage in non preferred activities, exhibiting aggression when asked to transition between preferred and non preferred activities
Safety 1i9 inadequate environmental awareness
Safety 1s10 failure to look carefully before crossing the street, ignoring name when called, ignoring prompts to stop
Safety 2i11 inappropriate perseveration in activities and requests
Safety 2s50 running out of the house, running into the street, not wearing helmet when using roller blades
Safety 3i46 leaving the house without permission or unsupervised, touching the stove or playing with the microwave when stove is on, climbing on furniture, not responding to name or verbal commands
Safety 3s59 ignores adults’ warnings of safety issues, elopes from caregivers, engages with strangers, refuses to hold hands or walk with caregivers in the community
Safety 4i57 screaming, crying excessively, refusal to take responsibility or consequences for behavior
Safety 4s60 running in the halls, opening and closing doors, unsafe play on the playground equipment
Safety 5i62 abnormal anxiety and fear reactions to non stressful situations, refusal to engage, intolerant of redirection, refusal to verbalize emotions
Safety 5s86 lack of awareness of dangers in the environment and safety rules, running into the street, eat inedible objects, touch household appliances unsafely, and elope from adults in community
Safety 6i74 unresponsiveness to sounds, movements, objects & people in his environment, unaware of his position in space, mouthing or chewing inedible or unsafe objects, inadequate awareness of safety concerns
Safety 6s88 running in the halls, opening and closing doors, unsafe play on the playground equipment
Safety 7i79 engaging in dangerous behavior, leaving the house or car without permission, extreme reactions to stressful situations, avoiding unnecessary feared stimuli
Safety 7s90 lack of eye contact, getting away from adults when in the community, leaving the yard, placing objects into his mouth
Safety 8i310 ignoring prompts, unresponsive to name, wandering, not recognizing danger of household appliances
Socialization 10i25 poor eye contact, ignoring others attempts for social interactions, mumbling inappropriateness in conversations or in social behaviors, off topic comments, poor personal space
Socialization 10s38 hitting, kicking, slapping, pushing, pinching, spitting, touching or hitting others private areas, throwing of toys and other objects, willful destruction of property
Socialization 11i48 immature language, whining, cursing and foul language, verbal attacks on peers or adults
Socialization 11s40 negative remarks about own ability to successfully complete new tasks the first time, has unrealistic expectations for self and others
Socialization 12i50 screaming, yelling, bullying, provoking, frightening behavior towards peers and siblings
Socialization 12s44 inappropriate attention seeking skills, interrupts conversations, talks over another person, eavesdrops or forces self into an interaction
Socialization 13i57 refusal to play the games peers chose, refusal to listen to peers, reaction to peer requests in an emotional manner
Socialization 13s46 refusing to take turns or share, engaging in isolated or parallel play Socialization 14i61 ignoring social cues, immature language skills, refusing adult assistance
Socialization 14s51 oppositional responses, grunting, growling, stomping, running away or ignoring to avoid assignment or task completion
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Socialization 15i63 intolerance for age appropriate performance expectations, refusal to do what is asked, interacts inappropriately with others, lack of awareness of personal space
Socialization 15s52 playing alone, leaving social setting, pointing to objects, not answering to name, not sitting during circle time in school
Socialization 16i64 refusal to engage in age appropriate play, refusal to disengage when requested, does not take responsibility
Socialization 16s56 self isolation, removing self from group activity or play environment, engages in dangerous play, does not share with peers or siblings
Socialization 17i64 shutting down when spoken to, avoiding eye contact, avoiding situations that involve interacting with others, speaking off topic
Socialization 17s65 playing alone, removing self from play, dangerous play, not sharing toys with others
Socialization 18i70 display of negative attention seeking behavior, inability to understand social cues and personal boundaries, inability to censor inappropriate comments
Socialization 18s67 playing alone or leaving social setting, pointing to objects, not answering to name, not sitting during circle time in school
Socialization 19i76 pushing peers, not sharing with peers, impatient with peers, ignoring peer requests, socially interacting inappropriately
Socialization 19s73 screaming, crying, grunting, any grabbing of toys, pushing into play area without asking, does not engage in peer play conversation, yelling at peers
Socialization 1i2 inattentive in social situations, roams around room, closes eyes, refuses activities
Socialization 1s4 speaks to peers while teacher is giving directions, interrupts peers work, presents bossy attitude and show as a poor loser
Socialization 20i81 refusal to share with others, taking others’ belongings, crying excessively, verbal aggression
Socialization 20s74 self isolations and self stimulatory behavior, lacks interest in toys, lacks eye contact
Socialization 21i85 lack of eye contact, not focusing on the task, tuning out when someone says name
Socialization 21s76 pushing peers, not sharing with peers, impatient with peers, ignoring peer requests, socially interacting inappropriately
Socialization 22i88 does not engage in play with others, walks away from activity, does not acknowledge when others are around
Socialization 22s80 refusal to engage in age appropriate play, refusal to disengage when requested, does not take responsibility
Socialization 23i89 ignoring social cues, immature language skills, refusing adult assistance
Socialization 23s80 refusal to make eye contact without prompting, making up words to emphasis point, negative self talk and verbal disparaging
Socialization 24i84 extreme reactions to anxiety provoking situations and feared objects, screaming, crying, clinging to parents, elopement from assigned area
Socialization 24s81 refusal to share with others, taking others’ belongings, crying excessively, verbal aggression
Socialization 25i84 dropping to the floor, stomping, clenching fists and body
Socialization 25s83 playing alone, inappropriate interactions with peers, lack of imaginative play
Socialization 26i301 intolerance for age appropriate performance expectations
Socialization 26s85 crying, yelling, screaming, whining, not following directions
Socialization 27i301 immature socialization skills
Socialization 27s86 engage in self stimulatory behavior, inadequate eye contact, limited interest in toys
Socialization 28i305 refusal to play the games peers choose, refusal to listen to peers, reacts to peers in an emotional manner
Socialization 28s86 yelling, screaming, physical aggression towards peers or adults, intolerance for delayed gratification
Socialization 29i307 immature social skills and understanding of social norms, any refusal to engage with peers in an age appropriate manner, walks away from peers who visit him in his home
Socialization 29s307 refusal to engage with peers in an age appropriate manner, walks away from peers who visit in home, has to be prompted to engage in conversation, unaware of social norms in the current context
Socialization 2i3 aggressive or destructive interactions with peers and family, loss of impulse control, fails to complete assigned tasks
Socialization 2s7 increase amount of social activity involved in with peers, improve frustration tolerance with peers
Socialization 30i307 crying, yelling, crumpling paper, negative interactions with family members Socialization 30s310 inappropriate self stimulation
Socialization 31i42 protecting unhealthy relationships, low self esteem, poor defending of self, accepting peer bullying and teasing, acting inappropriately to make friends
Socialization 31s314 any hitting, kicking, biting, pushing peers and adults, throwing of or destroying property, verbal disparaging, verbal defiance
Socialization 32i312 excessive dependency on adults, avoidance of eye contact, ignoring salutations, refusal to share with others, bending over during class time, excessive requests to go to the bathroom
Socialization 33i313 low tolerance for interacting with siblings, peers and adults and prefers to engage in activities alone, tells people bye bye when they are in same room with him or place demand on him Socialization 3i8 maladaptive coping skills
Socialization 3s19 inappropriate attention seeking behavior
Socialization 4i14 inadequate understanding of social expectations such as lying and stealing
Socialization 4s20 social withdrawal and tendency to isolate from others, lack of communication and negotiation skills, lack of confidence and poor self esteem
Socialization 5i14 inadequate interactions with peers Socialization 5s22 low tolerance for interacting with siblings, peers and adults and prefers to engage in activities alone, tells people bye bye when they are in the same room with them
Socialization 6i16 inadequate interpersonal relatedness and social reciprocity
Socialization 6s22 interrupts conversation inappropriately, talks over another person, eavesdrops or forces himself into an interaction
Socialization 7i12 inadequate understanding of social cues and conversation skills
Socialization 7s28 excessive reliance on pat questions and one word responses in social conversation, avoids interactions with peers
Socialization 8i12 inadequate frustration tolerance and emotional coping skills resulting in aggression
Socialization 8s29 avoids eye contact with others, does not turn his head when someone calls their name, ignores adults and peers, stands too close or too far away during interactions
Socialization 9i25 inappropriate or inadequate interpersonal skills, uncooperative during activities, negative interactions with others
Socialization 9s30 screaming at peers or adults, stomping away from play groups, defiant refusal to engage in group play, pretends not to hear or ignores prompts